Events at the Indianapolis Rowing Center depend on volunteers both within and outside our rowing community.
Each event will have a link to volunteer.
All volunteer hours will be kept and tracked through the SignUp Genius link that is sent out for each event. Please use SignUp Genius to register for the shift you will be covering. Watch for the links in the Monday Minute or a special email to go out for certain events.
Member Volunteer Policy
The Indianapolis Rowing Center requires ALL annual members to volunteer eight (8) hours to the organization. As a 501(c)3 not for profit organization, we rely on volunteers to help run our hosted events, open up and close the boathouse for the year, help out at community events, and contribute to the general maintenance of the facility and venue. Failure to volunteer 8 hours per annual year (March-March) will result in an invoice of $20 for each undocumented hour. When members register for an annual membership, they are agreeing to the Volunteer Hours Policy.
Members are responsible for tracking their own hours through SignUp Genius. You can follow this link for access to the general (not specific to an event) tasks which can be completed for volunteer hours.
How can I get in my volunteer hours?
It's simple! There are multiple opportunities to volunteer for IRC:
1. Volunteer at any IRC hosted event during the year. Emails asking for volunteers are sent out a month prior to the event.
2. Become an IRC Board member, Committee member or Task Force member
3. Help out at Community Events that IRC attends, such as Health Fairs, Expos, Open Houses, etc.
4. Wash erg/boat towels (1 basket = 2 hours)
5. Donating cleaning/paper supplies ($10 = 1 hour)
6. Volunteer Work Days at the Boathouse
7. Buying out hours ($20 = 1 hour)